The Revival Program

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All garments will eventually reach a point where you no longer want, need or use them anymore. They might be completely worn out, or perhaps you’ve just fallen out of love with them. What’s important is that they don’t go to waste. That’s why we’ve created The Revival Program. Send us your old ASKET garments so we can bring them back to life.

Register To Trade In Old Garments

1. Register

Sign in to our portal and register any of your old ASKET garments for revival

Send Back Your Clothes To Manufacturer

2. Send back

Pack up your garments and send them back to our office in Stockholm using the carrier of your choice.

Get Money For Old Garments

3. Get reward

Receive your revival reward of up to 40 AUD per garment via e-mail once your parcel has been received

Circularity: Renew, Resell Or Remanufacture Garments Into New

4. Revival

Your garments are given a new life through resale, remanufacture or recycling

Revival Reward Value

Product Category

Reward Value



T-Shirts & Accessories


Shirts & Sweatshirts

15 AUD


20 AUD


30 AUD


40 AUD


Over the course of 2021 and 2022, we received 2460 garments from our customers. Roughly 70% of those collected were in such condition as to only require cleaning or minor mending. The remaining 30% are bulked and saved for evaluation, after which they will either be remade or recycled. Keep them coming!

The restore

In May 2023 we opened the doors to The Restore: A permanent location where you can explore and buy 2nd hand garments from our revival program, as well as samples and defective garments.

Read more and get directions
Send Back Garments Packaging

How it works

If you have unwanted ASKET items we’ll take them off your hands. You can return any garment, in any condition, all we ask is that you wash it first. Send them back or drop them off in our stores. For each item you’ll receive a revival reward which you can use to invest in new garments.

Circularity: Resell, Recycle, Remanufacture

No matter what you return we’ll make sure that it’s put to the best possible use. 70% of garments are simply washed, repaired and resold. The rest are saved for remanufacturing or recycling. Most importantly, nothing goes to landfill.

How To Prolong Lifecycle Of Garments

Keeping clothes in use an extra nine months could reduce their footprint by up to 30%. Still, only 1/4 of all garments produced are collected for resale or recycling while the rest are destined for landfill or incineration. Less than 1% is recycled into new garments. We think we can do better. Help us bridge that gap and move towards a more circular fashion industry by sending your garments home.